Playwright and scholar focusing on politics and war. Plays explore multi-ethnicity, the transmission of trauma, mothers and daughters/fathers and sons. Family conflict through a political prism.
There is a strong Jewish cultural history in many of the plays.
Work produced in London, the USA, France, Germany.
Published by Faber and Oberon Books.
Translated into French Editions L'Amandier.
New volume POLITICAL PLAYS published December 2013 by Oberon Books.
Short play THE WEDDING PARTY premiered at The Actor's Centre, London, December 2013.
PhD from the University of York 2016.
Seeking to work more in the US after presenting my version of The Dybbuk at Theatre for the New City in 2010 and having scenes from my St Joan workshopped at the Lincoln Centre Directors' Lab in the same year.
Languages. English, French, German.
Research Fellow at King's College, London University from 2017.
International Affiliate of the League of International Theatre Women.
Member of the Society of Authors, the SACD, the National Union of Journalists, Equity.