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Tammy Ryan joins New Dramatists Class of 2025

07 Jun 2018 6:11 PM | Anonymous
New Dramatists, an artistic home and developmental laboratory for professional playwrights, is proud to announce the addition of seven writers to its illustrious, dynamic resident playwright company: J. Julian Christopher, Sarah Gancher, Mike Lew, Vickie Ramirez, Tammy Ryan, Susan Soon He Stanton, and Lauren Yee. They will be in-residence through the year 2025. These supremely talented theatre artists were selected by a seven-person committee of New Dramatists current residents, alumni, and outside theatre professionals from 478 applicants after undergoing a highly competitive, nine-month review and consensus-based decision-making process. New Dramatists kicks off their seven-year residencies with an evening of readings and celebration at the annual New Playwright Welcome in the fall.

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