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DARK PART OF THE FOREST published by Broadway Play Publishing, Inc.

20 Aug 2011 8:09 AM | Anonymous
DARK PART OF THE FOREST is available now from Broadway Play Publishing, Inc., June 2011.

"Tammy Ryan should have called her new play "The Dark Part of the Marriage" instead of DARK PART OF THE the play's potent debut...Joan and Bill's faltering marriage is the main event.  What's also intriguing about DARK PART OF THE FOREST is the abundance of fairy tale imagery...Ryan has written no fairy tale, though.  She can be grimmer than the Grimm brothers--but just as enigmatically entertaining."
-- Peter Filichia, The Star-Ledger

"compact, poetic, turbulent writing...a vivid appreciation of how dark the forest that surrounds us can be...a topic that is both timely and eternal.."
-- Chirstoopher Rawson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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