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Communicate Sober - SWAN readings New York

30 May 2010 1:29 AM | Deleted user


“Communicate Sober”

Celebrating Women’s Voices

(pictures by Kim T. Sharp)

Our Swan Day Event, “Communicate Sober,” a reading of monologues, plays and short fiction written by voiceless women recovering from drug addiction in a writing workshop co-led by Jan Buttram and Bara Swain at Women-in-Need was a wonderful success!


Back row: Paige (social work intern, WIN), Gus (actor), Maayan (actor), Gina (social worker, WIN), Cynthia (actor), Candace (actor), Candace (actor), Amanda (actor), Qiesha (intake social worker, WIN)

Front row: Jan (teaching artist), Jenny (actor), Rita (writer/actor, WIN), Bara (teaching artist), Lisa (graphic designer)

Nine multi-ethnic actors and one workshop participant gave energetic and heart-felt readings of 70 pieces of writing from a publication designed by Lisa Feldman for this occasion, including photos and illustrations of the participants and staff at Women-in-Need, a center for wellness and drug abuse.

We had approximately 25 attendees – playwrights, directors, artists and friends of Abingdon – who joined our cast for the celebration at Abingdon’s Dorothy Strelsin Theatre.  They were all focused and attentive as they “experienced” the words and stories shared by more than 35 workshop participants.

 Maayan, Jenny, and Gus

During the Q&A, an intake worker and a social worker who attend our writing sessions spoke sincerely and eloquently about the Women-in-Need Program and the impact that our writing workshop has had on their clients.  Jan Buttram, Artistic Director of Abingdon Theatre Company, urged the artists present to consider volunteering their time and talent as well.  “The workshop has changed my approach to writing,” said Ms. Buttram.  “Now I try to make my dialogue as honest as possible.”  Another playwright was so moved by the discussion and the courage of these women in recovery that she wept.


I’d also like to express my gratitude to Jan Buttram and Kim T. Sharp for being ICWP’s partner for this event.  We all thank ICWP for your generous grant in order to make our SWAN Day Reading a success in support of ALL women artists – now.

Below are the rest of the pictures (click to see the full-sized picture):

Jenny and Lina

Maayan and Jenny
Rita and Cynthia


Candace, Maayan, Jenny,
Lina, Gus and Rita

Cynthia and Amanda


Paige, Gina, Rita,
Bara and Quiesha

Jan, Paige, Gina, Rita
and Bara

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