50/50 Applause Award Review for the 2017-2018 season
We thank the members that nominated theatres. We also hope you had a chance to read the press release and view the video.
The International Centre for WomenPlaywrights announces its 2018 50/50 Applause Awards, honoring theatres that produce plays written in equal measure by women and men. At the same time, the Centre finds that the vast majority of theatres around the world are coming up short in terms of gender equity.
The awards honor theatres at least half of whose productions in their July 2017- June 2018 seasons are written by women. Further, a theatre must have staged three or more productions during the season and have plays authored by both males and females in their season. For the 2018 Awards, only Main Stage productions were taken into account, as that is where most theatre budgets are spent and where playwrights receive the most media attention and career advancement.
The 62 recipients of this year’s awards are found throughout Australia, Canada, Finland, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, United States, and Wales.
For the 2017-2018 season, approximately 60% of the qualifying theatres are repeat recipients. For example, Here Arts Center has made the list for six years in a row, while off the WALL has made it for five consecutive years. Awardees range from community and college theaters to internationally renowned public theaters.
Approx 400 theatres were reviewed, 103 nominated, 62 awarded
Nominations by volunteers, theatres, ICWP members:
25 by ICWP volunteers
7 ICWP members
30 theatre nominations.
Four facts that emerged from the statistics in this year’s awards:
1.Many theatres believe that not enough women submit to theatres, giving them more male playwrights to choose from.
2.Most of the women in theatres these days are the same women playwrights, and the same plays! New plays by women still rank very low.
3.Most of the recipients from last year did not repeat this year. Most of the recipients from the year before did not repeat from the previous year, although we did change the regulations this year to “main stage” productions, and the previous year to mandating that there be at least three productions to demonstrate a real preference for women playwrights.
4.We are in the 25-28 percentile for production of women plays compared to men.
The ICWP board is reviewing how, or if, the 50/50 will continue next year given the cost and volunteer effort in relationship to the results.
Patricia L. Morin, Margaret McSeventy 50/50 50/50 Applause Award Co-Chairs
"Left to Right" Maxine Kern, Peggy Howard Chane, Joanna Piucci, Melba LaRose, Francesca Rizzo, Courtney Frances Fallon, Ruth Zamoyta, Donna Spector, Karin Diann Williams, Robin Rice.
Introducing ICWP’s 3-Minute Play Contest!
Looking for inspiration to write a new play every month? ICWP's new 3-Minute Playwriting Contest is here to help!
How does it work?
A guest judge will provide a theme to help get your creative juices flowing and motivate you to write a new play monthly. Winner names and play titles will be featured on our website and in our monthly newsletter.
Since 1970, Joy has been prime-mover of Chapman, Scotland's Quality Literary Magazine. Working through the magazine, she has led the way with many welcome Scottish developments – in Scots language, the teaching of Scottish literature in schools and helped steer the drift towards greater Scottish autonomy (etc!). Through Chapman, Joy helped revitalise Scottish drama by stimulating extensive and radical debate – leading ultimately to the creation of the Scottish National Theatre, and other projects.
CLICK HERE contests@womenplaywrights.org to visit our contest webpage for submission details
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Link: http://womenplaywrights.org/page-1861027