From Geralyn HortonFriday night, August 21 --in the Drackett Tower dorm room I share with Anne Pecaro at Ohio State University during the Summer Playwrights Retreat....Every night this week I've been firing up Garageband and inviting my fellow writers to talk about their work in the Labs here, and the inspiring effect of being face to face with women they've come to know through the ICWP listserve. There we share our triumphs and frustrations, supporting each other to help women become significant voices on local stages--- and in theatres around the world. Friday has been our last full working day, and Sunday we all go home. Everyone has been working hard, too busy to take time out to talk into my mic. They are so productive that it is difficult for Professor Alan Woods to schedule enough actor readings. One night we writers organized an ad hoc wee hours dorm room reading for those of us who had to go home early and had not been able to get feedback on what she'd written that day-- those crucial scenes! But Friday is now-or-never, and, behold, a miracle! Writers show up! Part One It turns out that the centerpiece of this discussion is a lengthy analysis of Young Jean Lee's performance piece, Church, produced by Available Light Theatre in downtown Columbus. Donna Spector speaks first, and is joined by Anne Pecaro, Farzana Moon, and me-- G.L. Horton Part Two Vicki Cheatwood and Mrinalini Kamath come in, talk about the OSU work, and theirs, and what plays they've seen and appreciated recently. Listen now to Part One in Flash Player |
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Listen now to Part Two in Flash Player Same podcast in Quicktime |