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ENTER SINGING musical 2nd Nomination

03 Oct 2013 6:21 PM | Deleted user


AMANDA HART WALKER is nominated for Best Actress in a Musical from the MITF in Manhattan for the role of DANIELLE DEL DANTE in ENTER SINGING.

She has a Masters degree in music from the Boston Conservatory. Amanda has 2 full ranges (upper and lower) and relative perfect pitch.

She comes alive under the lights onstage! Amanda is represented by the Bloc NYC Talent Agency.

She sang the lead in the songs, BORN TO WIN, TRIBE OF BOOKLOVERS and the FINALE.

CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA! The winner of the Best Lead Actress in a Musical award (among the field of 21 musicals) will be announced in 2014.

ENTER SINGING the Musical: libretto, music and lyrics by Linda Evans, full member of the Dramatists Guild of America and the International Centre of Women Playwrights




  • 03 Oct 2013 6:35 PM | Deleted user
    ENTER SINGING the musical was produced at the Workshop Theater, part of the Abingdon Theatre Complex, 36th St. NY, NY. Producers: John Chatterton and Satellite Productions, LLC
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