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  • 16 Jun 2018 9:59 PM | Rachana Pandey
    1. Pandey, Rachana. “In Conversation with Manjula Padmanabhan.” Muse India Special Issue: Indian Feminism 78 (Mar-Apr 2018). Web. 28 April 2018. (ISSN No. 0975-1815).   
    2. Pandey, Rachana. “Men in Theatrical Performance.” Muse India 72 (Mar-Apr 2017). Web. 10 Apr. 2017.  
    3. “SITA: Retelling the Lila.” Muse India Focus: Écriture Feminine 64 (Nov-Dec 2015). Web.9 November 2015. (poem)
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  • 02 Jun 2018 11:06 AM | Robin Rice

    One-act play about twists and turns of dating and self-confidence. To be performed by teenagers. Licensed by Drama Notebook. 2018.

  • 02 Jun 2018 10:53 AM | Robin Rice

    An extended family chooses to live apart from the rest of the world on a mountain. A curious young man discovers them and wants to save them from disease that is diminishing their numbers, but that would require revealing their whereabouts and ruining their way of life. Based on real people. Winner of awards. Published by Blue Moon Press. 2018.

  • 02 Jun 2018 10:49 AM | Robin Rice

    A play with original songs to be performed by a large cast of children. Honey's mother is moving them from her beloved island home to New York City. Honey is distraught. One night she seeks a way to hide with the help of her friends, a wise pelican, a bossy rooster, a feminist hen, a school of minnows and a trumpet vine. Published by YouthPLAYS. 2018.

  • 02 Jun 2018 10:45 AM | Anonymous

    The play has been selected for publication scheduled for November 2018 at the above link.

    Lunatic Synopsis

    Khanda, former driver to a presidential candidate is transfered to a female prison disguised as a woman. His two prison inmates, Sdudla and Bhakhosi are unaware Khanda is a man. The two women have been imprisoned to stop them betraying state secrets and constantly lie to stay alive but when alone they are vulnerable and confess who they are hoping to be rescued.

    Khanda is rejected by his cell mates and forms an alliance with Nyembezi, an emotionally unstable woman confined to an isolation wall. Two female guards Supervisor and Bhoza, who have the task of keeping all prisoners in check manipulate Khanda for their sexual needs. 

    Hell breaks loose when Bhakhosi discovers Khanda is a man, which leads to his death and Sdudla's insanity, torture and solitary confinement.

  • 09 Apr 2018 12:18 PM | MT Cozzola

    MT Cozzola's play BOY SMALL is featured in Applause Books' new anthology of monologues (Diana Amsterdam, editor) entitled "Later Chapters: The Best Monologues for Actors over 50", released in April, 2018.

  • 07 Apr 2018 12:17 PM | Sandra de Helen

    The beautiful Artemis Journal 2018 is published as of May 4, 2018. More than 1000 entries were received from all corners of the globe for this issue, entitled "Women Hold Up Half the Sky." I'm proud to have my essay, "Our Half of the Sky," included.

  • 19 Mar 2018 9:37 AM | Anonymous

    C.J. Ehrlich's Heideman Award finalist NON-REFUNDABLE is published in the Best Ten-Minute Plays of 2017 anthology.

     Synopsis: Two teachers in love, in Bible Belt Kentucky, tired of pretending to be “just friends who work together”, run off on a hideaway package tour of the former Communist block so they can just be themselves. But when a foreign power invades their hotel room, they learn a big lesson about hiding away.

  • 19 Mar 2018 8:18 AM | Robin Rice
    Full-length drama about the life of Alice Austen, the first female photo-journalist. Alice bucked Victorian social norms and fell in love with photography and another woman. Lyrical and real. Excellent for college and community theaters as well as professional. Ran Off-Broadway. Published by Original Works Publishing. 2018. Available: Drama Book Shop (NYC) and
  • 19 Mar 2018 7:41 AM | Anonymous
    Christine Toy Johnson's play THE SECRET WISDOM OF TREES is featured in Applause Books' upcoming anthology of monologues (Diana Amsterdam, editor) entitled "Later Chapters: the best monologues for actors over 50", coming out in April, 2018.

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